Back to School Tips for Parents


It’s that time of year again! Summer is coming to an end and kids are trading in their swimsuits and sandals for school supplies and fall clothes.

As any family with school-age children can tell you, transitioning from summer to a school-year schedule doesn’t only affect the kids. Just as parents have adjusted to the logistical choreography of summer activities, it’s time to upend everything for the new school year. 

Creating your family’s new schedule with your caregiver can feel like yet another hurdle. Whether you use Otter, have a nanny, or book part-time babysitters, you’ll want to make sure you have these conversations to set you up for smooth sailing the rest of the year. 

Share your family’s calendar 

This may seem obvious, but providing your caregiver with visibility into your family’s school-year schedule as early as possible will help alleviate any conflicts. Some families keep track of things digitally through apps like Google calendar, others prefer a written schedule posted in a main area of the family’s home. 

If your family operates better with a low-tech schedule, we recommend sharing a photo with your caregiving counterpart as soon as it’s in place. 

Go over the details of an average school day for your family 

Beyond just sharing a calendar, discussing what a typical day looks like during the school year can help illustrate any possible pain points or conflicts. By walking your caregiver through each part of each family member’s day early in the school year, you both have the opportunity to recognize any holes or logistical challenges. 

Does your son’s class want him to be 5 minutes early, but your daughter’s preschool has a more flexible start time? Is your child’s ballet teacher punctual, but your book club notoriously starts 15 minutes late? Identify what in your schedule is set in stone, and find ways to make even the craziest of schedules work for everyone! 

If you’re using Otter, this could also be a chance to help one another! For instance, if your kids go to the same school, it’s the perfect time to work out a carpool schedule. 

If you still need childcare for the new school year, sign up now for Otter! 

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